Eat fat to lose fat!

No cheese please…

Every time we order food at a restaurant, a thought crosses your mind.

This might have cheese, butter or mayo which might make me fat

Of course you are not alone, most of us think the same way when it comes to fatty foods.

You are not wrong to think this way. Excessive consumption of fat is counterproductive to your fitness goals.

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Fun Fa(c)t….

One of the major reasons why eating FAT makes you FAT mania started was due to advertisements bombarding us with misrepresented facts to sell their so called “Fat Free”, “Zero Fat”, “Zero Trans Fat” foods.

On the contrary, avoid eating the Zero Fat, Fat Free foods as much as you can. These foods are highly processed and like any processed food, they lack nutritional value.


Research shows….

Many researches have shown that fitness models and bodybuilders have struggled to lose body fat when they cut down their consumption of fats to less than 10% of the calorie intake. Let’s say eating 25 grams or less on a 2300 calories per day allowance.

Why? You say

Simple explanation to this is, your body needs fat for maintaining healthy skin, hair, joints and metabolism. It also reduces fatigue, depression and cardiovascular diseases. Lower fat will produce lower testosterone which is bad for men.

Aha…. Cheese burger it is…. NO!!!

There are good fats and bad fats. Read on….


This Fat ain’t gonna make you Fat….

Avacado ( मखनफल / Butterfruit) – Lowers bad cholesterol

Eggs – high in protein, good source of Vitamin B to help regulate the brain

Olive Oil – Lowers blood pressure, lowers risk of heart diseases

Nuts (Almond, walnuts, peanuts, pistachio) – Sources of Omega 3, Vitamin E, etc., to promote good brain function, less likely to develop type 2 diabetes

Fatty Fish (Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, Mackerel, Trout, Herring) – High source of Omega 3 which promotes brain function, improves joints health, energy, oxygen transfer, skin texture, muscle growth and improves metabolic rate.

Adding such good sources of fat to your daily diet (in moderation of course) will promote fat burn, regulate insulin, suppresses cortisol production, helps absorb more of the fat-soluble vitamins.


Okay! How to differentiate good from bad?

EAT – Essential Fatty Acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6

EAT Moderately – Saturated Fats

AVOID – Trans Fat, Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated Fats



Include Essential Fatty Acids, and Saturated Fats into your diet. Fats should be anywhere between 20% to 35% of your daily food intake. If you want to lose fat, stay on the lower limit of the percentage provided, but never reduce below 20%.

  • Walnuts, Fish, flax Seeds etc., should be in your diet at least 4-5 times a week
  • Nuts should be part of your daily meal plan, but they are dense in calories, so be careful
  • Avocado / Butter fruit, olives in moderation are good
  • Cottage Cheese / Paneer is another good source of low saturated fat and high protein diet
  • Cheddar cheese is 50% Protein and 50% Saturated fat but very dense in calories
  • Don’t avoid fat if you want to burn fat. Eat fat in moderation
  • Avoid highly processed food


EAT responsibly, EXERCISE willingly, HYDRATE heartily and REST blissfully….!!!!


<<< PEACE OUT >>>


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